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Exquando wins a framework contract to collaborate with iMio

Exquando is pleased to announce that it has won a framework contract to assist iMio, a Walloon intermunicipal organization, in the implementation of a standard document management system for cities, municipalities and intermunicipal authorities in Wallonia.

We are particularly delighted to collaborate with iMio with which we share the objective of mutualizing IT and organizational strengths, and the ambition to contribute to the development of our regional institutions. 

If we want public authorities to progress in their digital transformation, it is necessary that they are no longer confronted with long and complex purchasing procedures to then find themselves facing divergent solutions and suppliers as well as consultants speaking a language not always easy to understand. If it is possible to develop a solution that works for one organization, then it should be possible to replicate it at regional level.

Rather than just arguing over the choice of tools, the time has come to rather work on human behavior and ensure that everyone understands that the information he/she produces can be immediately useful to colleagues.

To move forward with confidence, it becomes a question of working on collaboration and communication, on work organization if necessary, on cleaning up the information chaos, on training users in basic concepts in document management and on accompanying them in this human transformation.

About iMio

In 2011, the Government of Wallonia approved the founding of iMio considering that it made it possible to achieve the essential objectives of mutualization defined in its regional policy statement, namely supporting mutual strategies for improving the services that local authorities provide to their users; sharing of their resources and practices; and improving their management. Today, iMio has over 300 members of local authorities which can benefit from state-of-the-art tools to improve their internal management, their governance and their relations with citizens.

About Exquando

Exquando is a service and consulting company specializing in governance and information management. Since 2009, we have made our services available to organizations and public authorities to enhance their information and support people in their digital transformation.

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